Last modified on July 26, 2017, 6:08 pm

CRTS 2017
Call for papers
Paper submission
Important dates
Accepted Papers
Keynote speaker
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Paper submission

Types of submissions and formatting instructions

CRTS invites papers that describe not previously published state-of- the-art research, work-in-progress, or suggest open problems covering one or more of the topics of interest to the workshop. Two alternative submission types are accepted:

- "full papers" not exceed 8 pages in two-column, single-space, 10pt format (ACM SIG proceedings templates / SIGBED Review submission guidelines)

- "extended abstracts" not exceeding two pages for work-in-progress / open problems, in a similar format to full papers.

In both cases, a submission implies permission for ACM to publish the paper in print and digital formats. Authors retain copyright. Accepted papers will appear in a special issue of ACM SIGBED Review. .

By submitting a paper, the authors agree and confirm that: neither this paper nor a version close to it is under submission or will be submitted elsewhere before notification by CRTS 2016, and if accepted, at least one author will register for the CRTS 2016 workshop by the special registration deadline set in the notification of acceptance, and present the paper at the workshop in person. Please note that papers that do not fall within the scope of the workshop will not be accepted. Submissions will be refereed for quality and relevance. Submissions exceeding the page limit may be rejected without review.

Submitting your paper

All submissions should be done via:

Web page hosted at School of Innovation, Design and Engineering,
Mälardalen University, Sweden. Webmaster: Saad Mubeen