CHARON Department of Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania
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 Modular Specification of Hybrid Systems

CHARON language has two main sections seen in the CHARON code.

  • Modes: each mode consists of control points, variables, submodes references, differential equations, algebraic equations, invariants and transitions.
  • Agents: each agent consists of one top-level mode and local variables. The instanitation of agents will be done by declaring the instance of agents along with their renaming variables as subagents. These instances can be an atomic agent or composition of agents.

 CHARON code to download

The following examples are available:

 Graphical Example

Each agent can be represented as a parallel composition of sub-agents. Each atomic agent consists of one top-level mode.

Each agent consists of one top-level mode or behavior. However, modes can in turn consist of submodes. A mode describes flow of control inside an agent. Modes contain:

  • Control points (entry, exit points)
  • Variables (private, read, write, readWrite)
  • Continuous dynamics
  • Invariants
  • Transitions
  • Nested submodes

 CHARON Code examples
 Robot Examples: file

* Author: Rajeev Alur, January 1999
* Discussed with Radu Grosu, Yerang Hur, Vijay Kumar, and Insup Lee
* Updated by Yerang Hur, 1999, 2000
* Updated by Oleg Sokolsky and Valentina Sokolskaya, 2000
* --
* changes for Charon 0.60, plus type checking changes
* 092600, Valentina Sokolskaya

//macro diffStop diff diffStop {d(myPos.x) = 0.0;  d(myPos.y) = 0.0}
//macro updateFreq 20.0
//macro updateCost 2.0

extern Estimate Robot.updateEstimate(Position,  Estimate);
extern Estimate Robot.computeGoal(Position, Position, Estimate, Estimate);
extern real java.lang.Math.sin (real);
extern real java.lang.Math.cos (real);
extern Position iPos1;
extern Position iPos2;
extern Position target1;
extern Position target2;
extern Estimate ob1;
extern Estimate ob2;

/*   mode moving     */
mode movingM(real v, real phi, real k) {
  entry fromUPt;
  exit toUPt;
  read analog real timer;
  readWrite analog real omega;
  readWrite analog Position myPos;
  readWrite analog real theta;

  diff diffSteer { d(myPos.x) == v*java.lang.Math.cos(theta); 
	           d(myPos.y) == v*java.lang.Math.sin(theta);
                   d(theta) == omega }
  alge algeOmega { omega == k * (theta - phi)}
  inv invFreq { 0.0 <= timer && timer <= 20.0 }
}  // end of mode moving

/*   mode updating   */
mode updatingM () {
  entry fromMPt;
  exit toMPt;
  read analog real timer;
  read Estimate rO1, rO2;
  readWrite analog Position myPos;
  write Estimate estO1, estO2;

  diff diffStop {d(myPos.x) == 0.0;  d(myPos.y) == 0.0}
  alge algeUpdate { estO1 == Robot.updateEstimate(myPos, rO1); 
	            estO2 == Robot.updateEstimate(myPos, rO2) }
  inv invCost { timer <= 2.0 }
} // end of mode updating

/*   mode awayTarget */
mode awayTargetM(Position target, real v, real phi, real initTheta,
real initOmega, real k) {
  exit toAtPt;
  read analog real timer; 
  readWrite analog Position myPos; 
  read channel of Estimate inLink1, inLink2;
  write channel of Estimate outLink1, outLink2;
  write Estimate currentGoal;
  private analog real theta; 
  private analog real omega;      
  private Estimate estO1, estO2, rO1, rO2;

  diff diffPlan { d(myPos.x) == v*java.lang.Math.cos(phi); 
	          d(myPos.y) == v*java.lang.Math.sin(phi) }
  inv invAway { myPos != target }
  mode moving = movingM (v, phi, k)
  mode updating = updatingM()
  trans from default to moving
        when true do{ theta = initTheta; omega = initOmega } 
  trans  freqTimeout from moving.toUPt to updating.fromMPt 
        when (timer % 20.0 == 0) do {}
  trans updateTimeout from updating.toMPt to moving.fromUPt 
        when (timer % 2.0 == 0) do {
             receive (inLink1, rO1); receive (inLink2, rO2);
             send(outLink1,estO1); send(outLink2, estO2);
             currentGoal= Robot.computeGoal(myPos, target, estO1, estO2) }
} // end of mode awayTarget

/*    mode atTarget  */
mode atTargetM(Position target) {
  entry fromAwPt;
  readWrite analog Position myPos;

  diff diffStop {d(myPos.x) == 0.0;  d(myPos.y) == 0.0}

  inv invAt { myPos == target }
} // end of atTarget

/*    mode top       */
mode topM(Position initPos, Estimate o1, Estimate o2, Position target, 
real v, real phi, real initTheta, real initOmega, real k) {
  read  channel of Estimate inLink1, inLink2;
  write channel of Estimate outLink1, outLink2;
  write analog Position myPos;
  private analog real timer;
  private Estimate estO1, estO2;
  private Estimate currentGoal; 

  diff diffTime {d(timer) == 1.0}
  mode awayTarget = awayTargetM(target, v, phi, initTheta, initOmega, k)
  mode atTarget = atTargetM(target)
  trans toawayTarget from default to awayTarget when true do {
//    send(outLink1, EMPTY); send(outLink2, EMPTY);
    myPos = initPos; timer = 0.0;
    estO1 = Robot.updateEstimate(myPos, o1); 
    estO2 = Robot.updateEstimate(myPos, o2);
    currentGoal = Robot.computeGoal(myPos, target, estO1, estO2) }
  trans arrival from awayTarget.toAtPt to atTarget.fromAwPt 
        when (myPos == target) do {}
} // end of mode top

/*                Robot Navigation Example                       */
/*   Two robots - robot1 and robot2 navigating to reach the goals*/
agent robot (Position initPos, Estimate o1, Estimate o2, 
             Position target, real v, real phi, real initTheta, 
             real initOmega, real k) {
  read channel of Estimate inLink1, inLink2;
  write channel of Estimate outLink1, outLink2;
  write analog Position myPos;

  mode top = topM (initPos, o1, o2, target, v, phi, initTheta, initOmega, k)

agent system() {
  write analog Position myPos1, myPos2;
  private channel of Estimate r21Link1, r21Link2, r12Link1, r12Link2;

  agent robot1 = robot (iPos1, ob1, ob2, target1, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5) 
                 [inLink1, inLink2, outLink1, outLink2, myPos := 
                  r21Link1, r21Link2, r12Link1, r12Link2, myPos1]
  agent robot2 = robot (iPos2, ob1, ob2, target2, 10.0, 1.1, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5) 
                 [inLink1, inLink2, outLink1, outLink2, myPos := 
                  r12Link1, r12Link2, r21Link1, r21Link2, myPos2]


Maintained by Valentina Sokolskaya