
Network Module Supporting IEEE-11073 PHD

This module provides the OHC framework with IEEE-11073 PHD capabilites and provides various network agents to handle the data generated by the device drivers of OHC

ISO/IEEE 11703-20601:2010 defines a common framework for making an abstract model of personal health data available in transport-independent transfer syntax required to establish logical connections between systems and to provide presentation capabilities and services needed to perform communication tasks. The protocol is optimized to personal health usage requirements and leverages commonly used methods and tools wherever possible. ISO/IEEE 11703-20601:2010 addresses a need for an openly defined, independent standard for converting the information profile into an interoperable transmission format so the information can be exchanged to and from personal telehealth devices and computer engines (e.g., cell phones, personal computers, personal health appliances and set top boxes).

This protocol uses the ASN.1 encoding format to encapsulate its data protocol units. The module comes integrated with an Open-Source JAC compiler which is used to convert the ASN.1 structures to Java classes. The Continua Manager which was used to test the complaincy of the network agents tends to support only MDER encoding. So we had to extend the JAC compiler to support the definite encoding.

Though we were successful in implementing various agents which are IEEE 11073 PHD-compatible, the standard is not completely implemented and only the classes of the configuration objects required by the implemented agents have been compiled. We have provided furthur directions for anyone who wishes to implement his own agents and thus extend the IEEE-11703 standard implemented by us as a part of the Network Module by adding configuration objects. This documentation can be found in the Downloads section.

We have also provided a sample IEEE-11703 specification of Pulse Oximeter Agent, which is used as a basis for creating various agents. If you are willing to design new agents of your own, the first step will be to download the specification for the agent from the IEEE Explore website. The further steps of using this specification are provided again in the Downloads section.