
Pulse oximeter using bluetooth plugin respectively.

Antidote is a set of libraries that implement IEEE 11073-20601 stack for medical devices. It is bundled with healthd, a full-featured manager application which in itself is a complete example of Antidote-based application.

Healthd exports D-Bus health API, i.e. It allows writing health applications that don't link with Antidote; they just need to talk with healthd via D-Bus. D-Bus is supported by all major programming languages in linux. HealthD D-Bus API has an agent, manager and device interface and generated the measurement data as xml format.

- Like Bluetooth has the HDP profile, USB has PHDC (Personal Health Device Class).Antidote is bundled with a PHDC communication plug-in for Linux. It employs libusb to drive devices at user-level. After healthd is run and blood pressure monitor is connected to patient, the device driver for the device reads the data pushed on D-bus continuously.