#!/usr/local/bin/php Compositionality for Real-Time Systems
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Compositionality for Real-Time Systems


Real-time systems are ones in which correctness depends not only on logical correctness but also on timeliness. In the real-time systems community, substantial research efforts have concentrated on the schedulability analysis problem, which determines whether timing requirements imposed on the system can be satisfied. However, there is no widely accepted technique that supports the compositionality of timing requirements, i.e., how component-level timing requirements can be independently analyzed, abstracted, and composed into the system-level timing requirements.

We have developed a compositional real-time scheduling framework for supporting the compositionality of timing requirements. Fundamental to such a framework is the problem of computing the minimum resource requirements necessary for guaranteeing the collective timing requirements of a component or a component assembly. We have addressed this problem systematically, by developing sufficient and necessary schedulability conditions for the two most popular real-time scheduling algorithms: EDF (earliest deadline first) and RM (rate-monotonic).

Our compositional scheduling framework is supported by the CARTS tool and the Real-Time Xen virtualization platform.

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Comprehensive list of publication is located here.


National Science Foundation Air Force Office of
Scientific Research Office of Naval Research This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant CNS-0720703, by the Army Research Office under grant W911NF-11-1-0403, and by the Office of Naval Research under grant N00014-13-1-0802.

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